An Autumn Walk on the Stourhead Estate

Alfred's Tower. Free parking nearby and a great place to start from.
You may know the beauties of Stourhead from walking around the lakes, and admiring the follies, but if you start at Alfred’s Tower there is a wonderful range of walks taking in the grounds and woodland of the Estate. Visiting is free, open to the public and well signposted. It gives us all a great opportunity to enjoy the colours and feel of Autumn at this time of year.

Uprooted trees tell of past storms

The wonderful colours of the Autumn leaves are just as spectacular here as down by the lakes

Every conker on the ground had been opened. Squirrels?

Leaves about to fall.

Freshly cut timber. This is a carefully managed woodland.

Some of the trees are enormous

Almost iridescent moss

A breathtaking pattern of gold


Natural Synergy

The beauty of briars